팝업레이어 알림

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회사소개 이미지


CEO Greeting

CEO Greeting

I will do my best to start and develop the livestock industry.

YKgenetics is a company that pursues technological innovation by utilizing continuous R&D to improve livestock technology to the world's highest level through fertilized egg transplantation, research on practical technology for genomic breeding, and development of female and male calf production kits.
Based on these technologies, YKgenetics is promoting stable coexistence between dairy farmers and Korean beef farmers.

In addition to the willingness to challenge and not settle for hip-language reality through cattle, I have the belief that the right research effort will surely produce good results.

CEO Sangheun Oh

회사소개 이미지

Corporate founding ideology

"If there is no cow, the guille will be clean, and there is much to be gained by the power of the cow."

(Permon 14: 4)

YKgenetics was established in 2019 and is growing mainly in Holstein, the Korean beef breeding business, and the food business. Based on the words of Proverbs 14:4, "You will get a lot from the power of cattle." I believe that in addition to the willingness to challenge and not settle for reality by setting goals for corporate operation, the right research efforts will surely produce good results.

The most important thing in the livestock industry is to manage specifically and systematically within each process of "breeding" and raising calves for a long time for "cultivation" shipments.

In addition, YKgenetics will be a place to create harmony for the development of the livestock industry by mingling with various people in the livestock industry, not just companies in the livestock industry.

Crisis approaching the Korean livestock industry

Currently, the balance is collapsing in farmers due to soaring feed prices. It can be said that this is a serious problem as dairy farmers are facing the reality that the problems caused by falling calves, milk prices, and the "quarter" system are getting serious, and Korean beef farmers are sold without receiving even the average price unless they are Korean beef calves with excellent grades.

Company history

Since its establishment in 2020, it has even invested in seed money based on its outstanding research and business capabilities, and is generating sales and performance in a number of start-up businesses and research projects.

  • 2022

    • 02.

      The number of calves produced has exceeded 1,000 heads
  • 2021

    • 12.

      Hosted by the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation's Livestock Research Institute
      Korean Beef Genome Analysis Project is underway
    • 11.

      Participation in the Si and Gun fertilized egg transplantation project
      (Sangju, Yecheon, Cheongdo, Yeonggwang)
    • 09.

      Korean Beef Improvement Office
      Participation in the Korean Beef Cattle Certification Project
  • 2020

    • 10.

      Patent application
      (in vitro fertilization medium composition of cattle and IVF egg production method)
    • 04.

      Production of Korean fertilized eggs and development of fertilized egg reagent technology
    • 03.

      YYKgenetics Established

Major performance

Production of Korean Embroy and development of Embroy reagent technology
Transplantation and sale of Embroy
Korean Calf Sales
Hosted by the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation's
Livestock Research Institute, the Korean Beef Genome Analysis Project is underway
Korean beef improvement projectParticipation in cow testing project
Participation in Embroy transplantation project in Gyeongsangbuk-do
Young Kak(YK) Genetics CEO: Sangheun Oh
123, Dongdae-ro, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea
Company Registration Number: 381-81-02094
Contact Us: 82-54-701-1205 Fax : 82-54-701-1206
Copyright (c) Young Kak(YKG) All rights reserved. ADMIN